Home Diabetologs Cherepovetsā

Diabetologs Cherepovetsā

Diabetology Ltd is a biopharmaceutical company founded in 2002 and registered in Saint Helier, Jersey. The company develops oral drugs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Kā dzert krustnagliņas ar cukura diabētu

Zielsetzung der ZeitschriftDer Diabetologe bietet aktuelle Fortbildung für alle diabetologisch tätigen Ärzte in Praxis und Klinik. Inhaltlich werden alle Bereiche der angewandten Diabetologie praxisnah abgedeckt.

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Study Design: After approval of study from the ethical review board committees of respective institutions, one hundred and ten (110) healthy subjects were enrolled from Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology (BIDE), Karachi, Pakistan, during the period of April.
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Diabetology Education Training. Endocrinologists trained in diabetology, sometimes referred to as diabetologists, pursue the same education and training as a general endocrinologist, as the two specialties are closely related: diabetology is a subspecialty of endocrinology.
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(medicine) The study of the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes.
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English: diabetology n diabetología, rama de la medicina que se ocupa de la diabetes. Diabetology - definition of diabetology by The Free Dictionary.

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